Diccionario de Drogas

Over the past year, I have been writing a book.  It was originally going to be about drugs and drug policy, but it has now transformed into a book for young people on drugs.  The Diccionario de Drogas (Dictionary of Drugs) answers questions like what are the risks, benefits, whether you can mix certain drugs and which ones might be worth avoiding.  Since the book is in Spanish, it is doubtful that my US friends will read it, but over the next month, I will be doing media on the book and sharing it across Mexico.

I hope this book can continue breaking the taboo around drugs and begin conversations between families, friends and communities as we try to understand better our relationship with these plants.

The newspaper, Milenio, wrote a nice review of the book here: http://www.milenio.com/firmas/irene_selser/Zara-Snapp-Diccionario-drogas_18_531726830.html

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